January 2011 Goals

In process...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Change of Plans & Cider Mill

Ok, I decided to change my workout plans for this week. Instead of following the Insanity recovery week I am follow Cathe Friedrich's September 2010 week one rotation.

I may end up continuing this rotation instead of going back to insanity or I may mix it up with insanity and here is why. I found myself getting down about not lifting weights. In turn, this made working out very depressing. While I still continued to do my workouts, I stopped trying to be healthy. I wasn't eating well and I was eating anything to try and fill the void I felt from trying to follow a program where my heart wasn't in it. I didn't want to 'fail' yet again.

It wasn't until I read my friend's blog, and saw that she was also switching up her workout, that I realized I am not a failure. I am still working out by following Cathe's rotation, I'm just following my heart.

So, you will see the workouts posted are not from insanity. I may continue or add it in occasionally, but I'm not sure. I'm going to go by what my heart and body want.

On another note, I wanted to share some pics from a recent trip to the cider mill! I went with my sister, bro-in-law, nephew and niece. In order to make it more fun, we took a lot of crazy pics! Here are a few :)

The Cider Mill Sign

My niece, bro-in-law, sis & me being 'rebels'! haha

The 'Karate Kid' pose

My handstand...with a little help from my nephew :)

"Caught!" hehe

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day of Rest!

Well today was supposed to be my day of rest, but since I messed up my week with the scratch on my eye, I did Cardio Recovery today. While not intense in the way of cardio endurance, it is challenging to the muscles!

I have to admit though, I am missing my weights. I love this program and all it's doing for my endurance, but I feel kinda flabby. So i have devised a plan. This coming week is another hard week of working out, but the following week is supposed to be the recovery week. Every day is "Core Cardio & Balance" I'm not sure what that consists of yet, but I'm going to sneak in my Cathe Friedrich Gym Style workouts. I need to build myself back up in weights...or at least that is how I feel. Who knows, maybe it's all in my mind, but either way, I still miss the weights.

If all goes well, I may continue the next 4 weeks following the recovery week, with weights three days a week. I will just do my cardio in the morning and weights at night.

Of course this all sounds good on 'paper' so we'll see how it works out with life ;)

On the job front, I did not get the job in my little downtown, but I have another potential job that is far better and with much more opportunity for advancement. Unfortunately, I won't know for sure until a month or two from now, but I am praying about it and I have a good feeling here. Either way, I'm trusting God to take care of me. I'm still doing my part in looking, I'm just trusting Him to open/close the right/wrong doors.

Hope all of you had a great day of rest!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Insanity Catch up!

Hey all!

Things got a little messy this week with working out.

On both Mon and Tues I felt sick as I worked out and didn't feel like I did a great job. Come Wednesday, I had a morning Bible Study to go to and I didn't get home until 2pm (due to talking and lunch).

I had my body combat class to teach that night and since it was a new routine, I wanted to practice it before 6pm and found I also needed to rest...I was just exhausted!

I taught my class and felt incredibly good. I wasn't even winded! I think that is due to the help of Insanity. All those workouts are so tough that everything else feels like a breeze :)

anyway, I came home from class and did Pure Cardio. After the warm-up, I realized I wasn't going to be able to do Cardio abs. I was getting tired again.

So I finished Pure Cardio and headed to bed.

Thursday morning I wake up and just as I'm opening my eyes, INTENSE PAIN hits them. My eyes had dried out again and opened an old wound. I tried putting cold compresses on my eyes to help them. I couldn't even open them at this point. The compress helped my left eye but not my right eye. I waited until noon before I called my doc to see if I could come in. I still couldn't open my right eye....too painful. It's like having a wood sliver stuck in your eye..yeah, just imagine how that would feel! yikes!

I went to the doc and he said the scratch was a pretty significant size. In order to heal, I had two choices. Get a contact put over the scratch and come back Sunday to get it out (while taking antibiotics) or get some new gel put in there with the antibiotics and sit around with my eyes closed. I opted for the contact. To top it all off, I got my 'monthly visitor' and am feeling very lethargic....which might also explain why I was feeling sick on Mon and Tues.

I had to completely skip my workout yesterday due to all of this though :( I thought I will just make it up on Sunday.

Today I feel much better. I am still seeing double in my right eye, but a lot of the pain was gone. I'm also still quite tired. I did my workout but my legs felt like lead! I also did Cardio Abs today. I was going to do them Sunday, but I saw that Monday's workout is Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs so I didn't want to have them back to back.

Eating is going ok. I am not binging at night as my journal tells me I have been, but I still need to keep a close eye on that and make sure I spread out my food to all meals and not hoard it for one meal.

Well that's it for today...time for an eye break!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

INSANITY! Fit Test #2

I will probably post later today because this is for yesterday's workout but I wanted to get it in here while I had time. Here are the results of my fit test.

Switch Kicks: 120 (+2)
Power Jacks: 55 (+15)
Power Knees: 115 (+15)
Power Jumps: 30 (same)
Globe Jumps: 11 (+1)
Suicide Jumps: 15 (-1)
Push-up Jacks: 15 (-1)
Low Plank Oblique: 56 (+6)

I purposely didn't look at my first set of results when doing this because I wanted to see how well I could do not because of previous numbers but just from within myself.

I did do better on most. I think I got a little tired and lazy at the end, so next time, I will look at these numbers as I go and try to beat them. I thought that might be the wrong way to go about it, but now I think that is what probably pushes me.

Today is Cardio Circuit. I thought it was Pure Cardio + Cardio Abs and I was trying to pump myself up for it, but that isn't until tomorrow (whew!) I also have to go and practice my kickboxing for tomorrow's class. I really hope more people show up. It's such a great workout, but I think people are scared off by it...thinking they can't do it. What they don't know, cause they don't come, is that I break it down for them, making the high intensity or more difficult moves, easier. They would know if they came. I pray they do, not just for my class, but to show them that they can do it.

Recently, I got information on two contests about weight loss. I considered joining one of them, but I just did that this past summer and didn't follow through. What I really need to do is follow through on keeping my food journal. That is the thing I have the hardest time with. I keep doing other things in hopes the weight will fall off, but ignore the journal.

This week, I'm keeping it. My reward, if my goals are met, will to fill my coffee card so I can buy a cup every day.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday - A Day of Rest!

Ahhh....I made it through week 2!!!!! I'm so proud of me!

Yesterday was VERY HARD! I had a cardio kickboxing class to teach. It was supposed to help boost my regular class for Wednesday night. NO ONE showed up. It was very depressing. It just took the wind out of my sails. So I came home and did Pure Cardio + Cardio Abs. The depression made it difficult to do a good job. I did persevere though. It was pretty difficult to do the Cardio Abs after Pure Cardio because the first few exercises were very high intensity...I found myself longing for crunches, but alas that was not to be.

The ab exercises he did are really excellent and I think I might do them on some other days too. Because they are still cardio but just require a lot of ab engagement. I also think they focus alot on the obliques and lower abs. While I'm not too concerned with my obliques, I do like the lower ab part.

I did struggle alot with it though and I can see that I will need to strengthen a lot. I also felt it a lot in my back, but not my lower back, it was more my mid to upper back. I'm not sure if that is due to weak abs, weak back or both...probably both...haha!

While the first set of exercises were done standing (jumping), the next set was done sitting in the "C" position. Doing leg lifts in and out and oblique twists...then twists with the legs lifted. We also did planks, but not just holding. NO. We had to alternate drawing one knee into our elbow while in the plank position. Finally, we did that again while alternating between planks on our elbows and hands. It was quite a workout!

Anyway, I'm glad for a day off. There is a fall festival in town today and I think we are going to go. If I get some pics, I'll post them later.

Hope you all have a great Sunday.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cardio Power & Resistance + Job? Part 2!

First, the workout!

Well, I think missing the Wed workout really took something from me. I didn't feel as empowered today. I think I did well in my workout, but I had to take more breaks and I can't help but wonder if it was due me replacing my workout with my kickboxing...hmmmm

One thing I have started to notice is the increase in strength and firmness of my stomach. This is pretty surprising to me because I haven't done one sit-up or crunch yet! I have done some plank work, but not every day or even every other day. I think the workouts automatically cause you to engage your abs. He (Shawn) is always yelling at us to do so, but I didn't think it was so effective.

I was also worried about the lack of weights in this workout, but that is becoming less and less as I do more pushups, squats, lunges and tricep dips! My own body weight seems to be plenty!

I'm coming to the end of my 2nd week and I'm very proud of myself. I hope Monday will show some improvement. That is when I do my 2nd fit test!

Second...the job interview.

it went well, but I am not sure they will higher me. I gave them a number, for my salary, that is out of their range and I don't think they want to take me on only to have me leave if something better comes around. I am supposed to call her on Monday after we both had time to think this over...we'll see how it goes!

Gosh, Monday is a big day...fit test and job....yikes!

Cardio Power & Resistance + Job?

As you will see, I had to substitute Wed with bodycombat (kb). I did this for two reasons.

1) It said "cardio circuit" on the plan and I don't have a dvd with just that name. I guess, based on other posts I saw, I'm supposed to do the plyometric cardio circuit. oops!

2) I teach a kickboxing class on Wed nights and get a great workout there. In addition to that, I'm trying to learn a new routine. So I was kickboxing all day; therefore, I didn't feel like I was slacking. Ok, I kinda felt like I was slacking, but I did still workout! lol

Today is exciting cause I'm going to do my workout, once my breakfast settles, and then get ready for a job interview! It's just a little store in one of our downtown areas called "Old World Olive Press" and they specialize in balsamic vinegar and olive oils from around the world.

In a sense, it is my dream job. The little store is so cool and just makes you feel like you're in the old world. It is also in a location that I LOVE. There are so many unique little stores and people as well as some more famous ones, such as Starbucks.

The only downside may be the pay. While I know they are hiring and they need someone now, I'm not sure what position they need to fill and how much they will pay. Either way, if offered the job, I will take it, since I haven't had any other offers, but if the pay is min wage, I will have to keep looking for something else.

In the meantime, I'm just going to be happy that this opportunity is available. Guess we'll see how it goes later today!

If I get hired, I will go around and take pics so you can see how cute it is :)

On another note...here is a poem that I read today which I thought applied to my situation with working out and searching for a job.

If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win, but you think you can't,
It is almost certain you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost,
For out in the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow's will.
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are,
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But soon or late the man who wins,

Finally, a funny quote I read: "Everything always works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end." haha!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pure Cardio - Day 9

Ok, after yesterday's workout, I was feeling strong and successful! Today's took me back down a notch. I don't think we realize how hard it is to be in constant motion, doing some high intensity moves, for 30 minutes...or maybe it was just me.

I made it through though and am looking forward to tomorrow.

Eating hasn't been as well, maybe that is the reason I'm having such a hard time. We haven't gone grocery shopping yet so the food is leftovers and snack food. Nothing really good and healthy.

Hopefully that changes soon. I'm waiting on my sis since she has the money. I offer to go, but she says she has to go, so I just wait.

We'll see what tomorrow holds!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 2: Cardio Power & Resistance

Happy Labor Day to all of you!

Well, probably like most of you, I had plans for labor day with the family. I was going to postpone my workout until I got back but decided I better do it before. I AM SO GLAD I DID!

I am soooooo tired right now. I think it is really due to a pill I took for allergies. It makes me incredibly tired and there is no way I would have worked out today! Ok, I would have tried but it wouldn't have been good.

I did feel a little better doing this workout the second time. I was still extremely tired and sweaty, but there was a little power within me. I did much better with the push-ups at the end of the workout, but still needed to take breaks.

My eating went well too. I did have a brownie while at the party, but I didn't overeat or graze so I'm pretty happy with that!

Looking forward to going to bed though. I know tomorrow is going to be a doozy of a workout, it is PURE CARDIO and that is really a killer. Gotta sike myself up for that one!

I'll be up early though, since I'm taking my nephew to school, so I have plenty of time to eat breakfast and let it settle before my workout :)

Here are some pics from today!

My brother flipping into the pool

My brother (diff one) and I. He is moving to CA for a job so this was a labor day/going away party

All the girls :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Plyometric cardio circuit - Rnd 2!

Sorry for not posting yesterday, but got caught up; however, I did do my workout! It was the same as one I did earlier in the week. You would think that I would have gotten a little better, but no, I was just as wiped out as the first time I did it :) All I could think about was how today is my 'day off' haha!

However, my 'day off' did not turn out that way. I have to learn a new routine (11 songs) for a class I'm teaching. I 'launch' the new material on Saturday, so i'll have to pull double duty on my workouts.

I have been watching what I'm eating but still noticed some snippets of unhealthy things getting in there...a little bite of brownie...a little bit of homemade apple pie and ice cream.

While these are not the end of the world, they aren't helping me toward my end goal. I need to remember that as I start to scoop them onto my plate.

About to start off the week with another full workout and all I can think is....YIKES!!! :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pure Cardio - Day 5

Whew! Todays workout was go go GO! Another sweat dripping workout. The other Insanity workouts were rounds within sets and breaks in-between. Today's was all different and constant. Even Shawn T said he was nervous. Now I know why :) There weren't as many plyo moves but there were some jumping moves and the rest were just intense. Combine that with being constant and you have a killer workout!

I look forward to the day when I can actually do all the exercises in good form and consistently. I don't feel bad for taking quick breaks because they do it in the DVD too, so I know it's not just me. however, I don't think I do my movements quite as well as they do, so there is definitely work to be done.

Today though I was plagued by my weight. I got on the scale before I worked out and it was up TWO POUNDS! I know that I should not judge myself by the scale but my clothes are any looser either so it must be correct. This put a damper on everything. I found myself fighting negative self talk the whole workout.

I would start to comment on my legs (biggest problem area) and worthless I am and that's why I probably don't have a bf to saying NO THAT IS NOT TRUE. You do have things to work on but YOU ARE NOT WORTHLESS.

It was quite a battle and to tell you the truth, I'm still battling. I wish I could just look in the mirror and be thankful that I can even do these workouts and don't have a ton of weight to lose. Why am I so hard on myself?

I don't know but I think I need to start committing, to myself, to be a better person to me. I don't judge others like I judge myself.

So, I continue the workouts and look to improve the eating. one step at a time...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Insanity Days 3 & 4

Ok, I didn't get to post yesterday due to being busy. I also didn't get to do day 3 of Insanity. I did workout, but it was teaching my bodycombat class. I just didn't have time for day 3. So I decided to combine it with day 4, which worked out great.

Day 3 was Cardio Power and Resistance and Day 4 was Cardio Recovery (don't let that name fool you).

First, day 3. It start out with the squat jumps. You jump and as you're in the air, bring up your knees to your hands. Yes! It is a killer! Again, I was wiped out! I did keep imagining myself as someone in the dvd, however I did not try to keep up with them. I realized that keeping up with them would make my form suffer and I'm big on keeping correct form. So, I went as fast as I could while making sure I was doing things correctly and feeling it where I was supposed to.

Day 4 was cardio recovery. While we weren't doing plyo stuff it was still hard. We did slow squats and lunges, holding them at the end and then doing pulses. Other balance activities were added along with planks. I think one of the interesting exercises, and challenging, was getting on our hands and knees, then lifting the knees 3-5 inches off the floor. While the knees are off the floor, one leg goes back and you do pulses of 8. Repeat on the other leg (breaks in between). The second set is done the same way but with 16 pulses! those extra 8 make a differences. This is followed by bringing the knee to the shoulder and shooting it back behind you, still in that same form. Whew! great stuff!!

I was tired but glad I did both :)

I did let my eating slip today, but the more I workout with these people and see what I'm doing and clothing I want to wear, the more I want to improve. I just finished eating some turkey sausage meatballs with a tiny bit of thin spaghetti and about a 1/3 cup of sweet potatoes. I don't have the money to buy anything now, so I will have to make due with the food my sister buys. It's not everything I would like, but I think my problem is more with portion control anyway so I will work on that until I get a job and can afford to buy my own food.

I need to keep telling myself that this is to improve me. I need to be the person God created me to be and not try to be anyone else. I will never look like anyone else so trying will always end in failure. I spend too much time looking to other people, but I have a strong body, I just need to take care of it, so the person inside me can emerge.

I am not just looking for this program to transform my body, but my mind also.

Day 5 tomorrow....looks like a another sweat fest! haha