January 2011 Goals

In process...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday - A Day of Rest!

Ahhh....I made it through week 2!!!!! I'm so proud of me!

Yesterday was VERY HARD! I had a cardio kickboxing class to teach. It was supposed to help boost my regular class for Wednesday night. NO ONE showed up. It was very depressing. It just took the wind out of my sails. So I came home and did Pure Cardio + Cardio Abs. The depression made it difficult to do a good job. I did persevere though. It was pretty difficult to do the Cardio Abs after Pure Cardio because the first few exercises were very high intensity...I found myself longing for crunches, but alas that was not to be.

The ab exercises he did are really excellent and I think I might do them on some other days too. Because they are still cardio but just require a lot of ab engagement. I also think they focus alot on the obliques and lower abs. While I'm not too concerned with my obliques, I do like the lower ab part.

I did struggle alot with it though and I can see that I will need to strengthen a lot. I also felt it a lot in my back, but not my lower back, it was more my mid to upper back. I'm not sure if that is due to weak abs, weak back or both...probably both...haha!

While the first set of exercises were done standing (jumping), the next set was done sitting in the "C" position. Doing leg lifts in and out and oblique twists...then twists with the legs lifted. We also did planks, but not just holding. NO. We had to alternate drawing one knee into our elbow while in the plank position. Finally, we did that again while alternating between planks on our elbows and hands. It was quite a workout!

Anyway, I'm glad for a day off. There is a fall festival in town today and I think we are going to go. If I get some pics, I'll post them later.

Hope you all have a great Sunday.

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