Switch Kicks: 120 (+2)
Power Jacks: 55 (+15)
Power Knees: 115 (+15)
Power Jumps: 30 (same)
Globe Jumps: 11 (+1)
Suicide Jumps: 15 (-1)
Push-up Jacks: 15 (-1)
Low Plank Oblique: 56 (+6)
I purposely didn't look at my first set of results when doing this because I wanted to see how well I could do not because of previous numbers but just from within myself.
I did do better on most. I think I got a little tired and lazy at the end, so next time, I will look at these numbers as I go and try to beat them. I thought that might be the wrong way to go about it, but now I think that is what probably pushes me.
Today is Cardio Circuit. I thought it was Pure Cardio + Cardio Abs and I was trying to pump myself up for it, but that isn't until tomorrow (whew!) I also have to go and practice my kickboxing for tomorrow's class. I really hope more people show up. It's such a great workout, but I think people are scared off by it...thinking they can't do it. What they don't know, cause they don't come, is that I break it down for them, making the high intensity or more difficult moves, easier. They would know if they came. I pray they do, not just for my class, but to show them that they can do it.
Recently, I got information on two contests about weight loss. I considered joining one of them, but I just did that this past summer and didn't follow through. What I really need to do is follow through on keeping my food journal. That is the thing I have the hardest time with. I keep doing other things in hopes the weight will fall off, but ignore the journal.
This week, I'm keeping it. My reward, if my goals are met, will to fill my coffee card so I can buy a cup every day.
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