January 2011 Goals

In process...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

10 Mile Run

Well, I did it and boy was it tough! The race was supposed to start at 7:30am but was delayed about a 1/2 hour due to a heavy downpour and lightening. It finally subsided, but then in came the bugs! I was fighting them off the entire race.

I did take some shot blocks with me, to give me energy throughout the race. I did want to do the 'GU' stuff cause it sounds gross. However, I might consider it. I really like the taste of the shot blocks, but they are so big and trying to chew something that big and run is hard. I'll consider the GU :)

Unlike my last race, I didn't have constant comments rolling through my head telling me that I couldn't do it, but I could tell I was starting to slow. At the end, I had to walk for a bit before my final run. I think I made it in about an hour and a half.

My shins and calves are pretty sore, but not really my quads. I am wondering if I am using my legs right. I'll have to check in on that. Also, my toes rubbed together, and (this might be gross...) there was blood all over my socks and shoes. I also entered my time of the month...it really wasn't the best day (haha).

I am wondering about the half I am signed up for in June. I'm thinking of moving down to a 10K. I don't want to give up running, and I won't, but I'm not sure I'm ready to do the 1/2. I'm still thinking about it. I have another long run next weekend - just part of my training, not another race - if that goes well, I will do the 1/2 but if not, I think I'm going to move it down a notch.

I'm pretty tired now but I have a b-day to go to. I'll add my pre-race pics later (forgot to take the after shot....hmmm...maybe that was on purpose?? lol)

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