January 2011 Goals

In process...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Martian Marathon...10K Results

This is me after the Martian Marathon! Trying to look cute despite feeling self conscious about my legs :) I ran the 10K and my time was 57:05. It's improved since last year, but I honestly didn't feel that great. I think it was because my training was off this week. I ran 5 miles on Monday, did Kickboxing on Tuesday, nothing on Wed/Thurs, and only yoga on Friday. I think if I had ran more I would have felt better.

One thing I have to do is train more on hills. There were two at the end and WHOA! They weren't huge but when you're already tired, it's a challenge.

I'm excited/scared for my May 1st race (10miles). I am just going to keep training and do what I can do. we'll see.

I'm so tired right now. I just finished grouting the kitchen floor and now I'm off to paint some trim. Ugh!

Oh, despite the comment I made about trying to trick my mind with my weight, I weighed myself today...138 before the race and 135 after...must have lost A LOT of water there. I'm not happy about the 138, but I'm trying to give myself incentive to lose it. I really want some cute running shorts, but i'm not doing it at this weight...sooo...when I lose it, I'm going to buy them, either from Title Nine or Lucy. I love both stores and styles :)

Ok, I need to go paint! Have a great Day !

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